IS-Wireless selected to provide its private 5G mobile network solution at Fraunhofer HHI in Germany

IS-Wireless will install its private 5G network solution as part of an initiative aimed at fostering the ecosystem for open 5G campus networks in Germany and Europe – CampusOS. The installation delivers both indoor and outdoor connectivity and will be based on Open RAN, including IS-Wireless’ software solutions for O-CU, O-DU, and Near- RT RIC.
IS-Wireless was chosen by the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI), a world leader in the development of mobile and optical communication networks and systems. Fraunhofer HHI is co- coordinator of the CampusOS flagship project, which aims to support the development of an ecosystem for 5G campus networks in Germany and Europe. The project consortium includes many renowned industrial companies such as Bosch, Siemens, Rohde & Schwarz, and Deutsche Telekom. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
The IS-Wireless installation will contribute to the goal of designing high-demand, 5G-based campus networks that will be deployed later in the German market. These networks will support industrial applications such as Industry 4.0, including the coordination of automated guided vehicle fleets (AGVs) and 3D mapping of storage areas to improve in-house transport processes. Other use cases include connected construction sites and construction logistics, where near real-time coordination of distributed and partially mobile work processes is essential, based on digital twins of construction sites.
In such applications, the optimal placement of the data processing infrastructure, as well as mechanisms ensuring that unwanted interferences do not lead to a disruption of the existing sensors, are essential. IS-Wireless, with its Private 5G, addresses these issues. The company will deliver its O-DU (Open RAN Distributed Unit), O-CU (Open RAN Centralized Unit), and Near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) for both indoor and outdoor installations at one of Fraunhofer HHI’s sites at Berlin’s Lanolinfabrik.
In considering industrial applications, handling very large data volumes and ensuring very low latencies for communication and data processing are mandatory. We also focus on interference, either by preventing them from occurring or by using them to our advantage, thanks to the scheduler we’ve designed.
says Artur Chmielewski, Head of Sales at IS-Wireless.
It’s another deployment of IS-Wireless in Germany. Earlier the company informed about delivering its Private 5G at Werner-von-Siemens Center for Industry and Science in Berlin, where the network will be used for the control of connected and autonomous mobile robots.
About Fraunhofer HHI
Innovations for the digital society of the future are the focus of research and development work at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI. In this area, Fraunhofer HHI is a world leader in the development for mobile and optical communication networks and systems as well as processing and coding of video signals.
Together with international partners from research and industry, Fraunhofer HHI works in the whole spectrum of digital infrastructure – from fundamental research to the development of prototypes and solutions. The institute participates in the standardization of information and communication technologies and creates new applications together with industrial partners.
In the CampusOS project, Fraunhofer HHI is developing open components for 5G campus networks and creating a reference test field to evaluate end-to-end performance. The integration of AI is an important part of the work in order to offer individual solutions for campus networks. The aim of the work is to lower the entry thresholds for SMEs in the area of radio access networks so that smaller companies can also participate in the mobile communications market at low cost.
About IS-Wireless
IS-Wireless is a provider of reliable Private 5G solutions addressing use cases of industry 4.0, mission-critical, and campus networks. The offer covers all network functionalities from RAN to Core and includes pre-integrated hardware and software network elements ready to be installed at the customer premises. Networks are built in the Open RAN model.
At the heart of IS-Wireless’s Private 5G is Liquid RAN, a new generation of open, disaggregated radio networks, which focuses on extremely efficient use of communication resources (computing, spectrum). Liquid RAN enables significant savings of network deployment costs and energy consumption. IS-Wireless has been recognized as one of the few European RAN vendors by leading operators such as Deutsche Telekom and Orange.